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What is EMDR?

EMDR works so well because it uses bilateral stimulation, which in effect bypasses the area of the brain that has become “stuck” due to trauma.

This allows you to peacefully process and find resolution without the risk of being constantly triggered.

Depending on your needs, I am able to offer you EMDR-only sessions or EMDR combined with other psychotherapeutic tools.

EMDR can be really helpful with lots of situations in addition to classic trauma processing such as:

  • You dont understand why you react the way you do in certain situations
  • Feel overwhelmed with physical reactions at times, even though logically you know you are ‘ok’
  • When you have cycles of anxiety and talking therapy has one helped a bit
  • To help manges symptoms such as chronic pain, sexual dysfunction and neurodiversity
  • Preventing relapse of addictive behaviours

How I can help you

EMDR is a structured 8 phase model and in fact only one phase is ’trauma’ The other phases include:

  • Broad assessment and looking at personal history
  • Learning new ways to regulate emotions and somatic symptoms of distress and trauma
  • Onward referral or working as part of a team when this is indicated
  • Removing blocks in life that keep you stuck
  • Enable easier movement to future goals

Contact me on 07482 640862 or via this form for more details or to arrange a free 20 minute consultation.

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